
List of Tally Version
Here list of Tally Accounting Software:

  • Tally 4.5 (MS DOS BASE)
  • Tally 5.0 (MS Window)
  • Tally 5.4 (MS Window)
  • Tally 6.3(MS Window)
  • Tally 7.2 (MS Window)
  • Tally 8.1 (MS Window)
  • Tally 9.0 (MS Window)
  • Tally.ERP9 32BIT / 64BIT (MS Window)
How to download Tally.ERP9 Accounting software (Educational / Demo / Trail / Learning Version) ?:
  • You can use this link to download Tally "http://www.tallysolutions.com/downloads/tallyerp9"
  • If you want to download Tally Installer (setup for other pc) just click on "Download for Later" it will download "Install.exe"
  • When you run "Install.exe" will get installed as your systems configuration 32bit or  64bit automatically

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Excel to Tally Data Converter